Mind Work
As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (amp). The real you is revealed by the picture of what goes on in your mind. The amazing thing about this scripture is that it lets us know that we can choose what goes on in our minds. You can choose your thoughts. In other words, you don’t have to just think on whatever filters into your mind. Where the mind goes, the man goes.
Thought Systems
The way we think determines our character. This is why a man’s character is as a result of choices made. This is why we must choose to think only on what God is thinking. Well, you are absolutely right to ask: who then should think about my problems, my challenges, and my business? Of what use is my brain if I don’t use it to think for solutions to my daily struggles and challenges? Let me quickly remind you that God’s thoughts for us are thoughts of peace and not of evil, and to bring us to a prosperous end. We are really thinking effectively when we think what God is thinking.
His thoughts are full of peace and not evil or trouble. Consider this: when we think and dwell on our troubles, it leaves us disturbed and anxious; you don’t tend to have peace, but God promises thoughts of peace and prosperity. The Bible says that this kind of thinking fashions our character.
Your character represents your disposition and approach to life and this is a function of what goes on in your mind.
Philippians 2:5 tells us, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. to have the mind of Chris; to constantly think what God is thinking we have to constantly do what the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Consider the word ‘captivity’. When you take something captive, you will first before any other thing restrict their movement either by shackles or chains. Likewise you have to restrict the movement of those thoughts that are not God’s.
The bible specifically talks about 3 things we must do in order to develop a restriction to those thoughts that are not God’s or to develop a mindset that agrees with God.
We ought to make up our mind on what we will or want to do. This gives us a firm foundation in readiness when temptation comes to make an effective choice. You don’t need to wait for the temptation to come before you make a choice. Character makes you proactive instead of reactive.
The entire renewal of your mindset to fall in line with God’s word makes your character impeccable. This ought to be a present day ongoing process. On a daily basis, we need to spend time to study God’s word in order to purposefully think according to what it says.
This means getting all the junk in our mind out of the way so we can keep running our race in Christ Jesus. It is our responsibility to work out our salvation to the end so it can produce a harvest that reaches out to others.
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My mind holds the key to many.
I will restrict some movements in my mind. Thank you for this piece.
I stand guard over my mind today.
God has put us in charge and it starts with our mind. Mind rule.
I was searching on Google for how to renew my mind and I came across this post. Thank you fo waiting this for me.
The word of God is the plumb line for our mind, spirit and body. This is well written.
When you take something captive, you will first before any other thing restrict their movement either by shackles or chains. Likewise you have to restrict the movement of those thoughts that are not God’s.
This is sooo on point!