The Business of Purpose
This is a huge subject seldom treated yet it is what gives your purpose a future.
Your purpose is meant to solve some of humanity’s problems,.
Your gifts, talents, passion and ultimately your purpose are not just meant for you to have a set of hobbies.
You are an institution ready to be launched.
The business of purpose can put money in your hands.
It can touch the whole world in a special way.
It can bring fulfillment when you take it as a business and not just as a hobby.
Join me in this online class as I show you the business side of your purpose.
I will help you begin to:
1. Appreciate what God has called and equipped you to be.
2. Turn your God given purpose into a business that will not just touch lives but solve problems.
3.See the seriousness of your purpose and steps you can take to launch it forward.
There is something you are missing in your purpose, and it is in this course.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
This life had to solve a basic problem of man.
His purpose, the solution to our problems.
This is the purpose of purpose.
I know you have a purpose and you know what it is and you are living it.
Then have you thought about being strategic and intentional with your purpose.
This is you acknowledging the solutions within your purpose.
The man with solutions is the man in business.
There is still something you are missing in your purpose, and it is in this course.